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DVM | Resident | Small Animal Surgery

Bo Barillo

Bo Bariollo

DVM | Resident | Small Animal Surgery

Bo Barillo

Bo Barillo is one of MVES & OPVES's second-year surgical residents. He grew up in Charleston, SC, and attended Clemson University for undergrad. After graduation, he worked as an overnight veterinary technician in South Carolina. Bo attended Veterinary school at the University of Georgia and graduated in 2017. Knowing he wanted to go into surgery, he went directly into a rotating internship at what is now BluePearl Maitland in Orlando, FL. He then completed a surgical internship at the Dallas Veterinary Surgical Center and Michigan State University. After three years of insurance, he moved back to Florida with his now-wife, Jesse, who served a three-year deployment at Patrick Airforce Base as the base veterinarian. During this year, he worked with four different ER/specialty hospitals and decided to try surgery again. Bo then matched at OSU and completed his third surgical internship, which luckily led him to our surgical residence at MVES/OPVES. In his free time, Bo loves to be outside and go on adventures with his wife and black lab, Lilly. He also enjoys tinkering, repairing things at home, working on engines, and hunting ducks.